34th Plant Population Biology Conference (POPBIO)
“All Facets of Diversity”
19.-21.05.2022 – conference
We cordially invite you to the international 34th Plant Population Biology Conference(PopBio) 2022which will be held in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, from 19th to 21st May 2022, with a pre-conference-workshop the 18th of May 2022.
This annual conference of the specialist group (AK) ‘Plant Population Biology’ (also known as PopBio) of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) hosts about one hundred participants each year. Presentations cover the topics related to functional plant ecology, including also plant-animal and plant-soil interactions, demography, phylogeography, population genetics, epigenetics, plant evolution, experiments, modelling, restoration, and plant conservation, with all of these topics uncovering different facets of diversity.
The meeting of experts in the field is stimulating the discussion on emergent issues and exchange of knowledge and expertise to support and foster plant population biology research and knowledge implementation on an international level.
Please find here the book of abstracts.